Von: Hans
Bernhard <hans@ubermorgen.com>
Datum: 2. Mai 2006 02:04:30 GMT+02:00
An: various
Betreff: Police officer killed in Berlin?
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Hans Bernhard
Am 02.05.2006 um 01:43 schrieb Barbara Alex:
Von: "Barbara Alex" <alex10969@gmail.com>
Datum: 1. Mai 2006 22:42:54 GMT+02:00
An: hans@ubermorgen.com
Betreff: copkiller
Dear Hans
I ran into this brutal beating up of a cop during the 1st of may
demonstrations in berlin-kreuzberg, i was walking into a
backyard and
there they were, 4 guys attacking, beating up this officer...
after i
started filming with my mobile the guys started to hit more
dunno if this guy ever gets up again, they really beat the shit
out of
him. While filming another cop turned up and i ran away.
B. Alex